toolswebtop -> text tools

Subscribe to toolswebtop Text Tools API

No long term contacts. Pay as you go. Super easy API. Subscribe to our API at Mashape. Documentation is available here...

Sample API

List of all the various API functionalities supported

Case Converstions

  • sentence_case : Make the first letter of a sentence upper case
  • title_case : Make the first letter of each word of a sentence upper case
  • tolower : Make all characters of the string lower case
  • toupper: Make all characters of the string upper case


  • count : Count number of characters, words, sentences and lines in the given string
  • count_chars: Count the number of occurances of each character in a given string

Line Breaks

  • dos2unix: Converts the DOS line breaks to UNIX line breaks
  • unix2dos: Converts the UNIX line breaks to DOS line breaks


  • base64 : base64 encode the given string
  • uuencode : uuencode a given string
  • to_ascii : Convert the given string to ascii
  • list_encodings : List encodings supported for encoding conversion
  • convert_encoding : Convert the given string/data from one encoding to the other.
  • to_utf8 : utf8 encode a given string


  • sha1 : Calculate sha1 hash of the given string
  • crc32 : Calculate crc32 hash of the given string
  • md5 : Calculate md5 hash of the given string
  • list_hash_algos : List all the hash algos available
  • hash : Calculate the hash value of the given string based on the selected hash algo.


  • upsidedown : Convert the given string to upside down chars